Service Time Change: Sun 3/9 & 3/16 we will have one service at 10:30 AM. All Kids Church classrooms will be open (no Middle School 3/9). We'll go back to 9 & 11 am services when students return on 3/23!


Brookfield is an independent local church, led by a board of elders (overseers/pastors) under the authority of Jesus and his instruction given to us in the Bible.

Brookfield was planted back in 2011 out of Vine Church in Carbondale, Illinois as part of a larger church planting network. We remained a member church of that group for just over 13 years. In November 2024 we lovingly ended our official association with that network.

When we look back, we do so with overwhelming gratitude, both for the hand and grace of God, and the timeless friendships and invaluable influence of the many wonderful people who helped to shape Brookfield into what it is today.

Looking forward, we will continue to pursue relationships with other churches as Jesus leads, both locally and elsewhere, for mutual upbuilding and missional support.